Talmud Torah Times Sept./Oct. 2024 Newsletter


Our 2024-25 Board Committees

Oct. 7 Commemoration

Chag Tishrei Assembly

Natalie Talmud Torah Society
JFE2022 Logo POWERED BY Horizontal REV Talmud Torah Society

A significant portion of the bursaries families receive are funded by the annual UJA campaign. Todah Rabah!


Dear Families, Alumni, Supporters and Friends,

Welcome to our first newsletter of the 2024-2025 school year!

You might be curious about my new profile picture. This is a selfie I took with an adorable alpaca at Kirks Alpaca Farm just east of Olds, AB. My summer adventures also included a cruise to Alaska. I hope you spent time this past summer having adventures of your own!

This TT Times is chock-full of great information. Do you wonder what Talmud Torah Society is all about? Check out my article “Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year”.

Are you curious what we do during Tashlich, or where the Terry Fox Run was held this year? Well, look no further!

So sit back, relax and enjoy the Talmud Torah Times.

Natalie Soroka, Executive Assistant

Email me!

Message from Noga Vaisblat


Talmud Torah Society

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We are thrilled to welcome you back to another exciting year at TT! Our “Welcome Back” event was a tremendous success, and it was wonderful to see so many of you there. The children enjoyed creating personalized “First Day of School” signs to take home, and our beloved mascot, Ari the TT Society lion, brought smiles with high fives and hugs. The ice cream treats added a delightful touch to the festivities!

The October 7 Commemoration event was also well attended, allowing both children and adults to experience our community’s strength. I found it truly strengthening, and I hope you did as well.

As we embark on this school year, we want to reassure you that security guards will be on site to maintain a safe environment for our students and staff. We have applied for the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) grant and are optimistic about securing funding to support these essential measures. Any funding received will help ease the burden of security fees for parents.

Our board committees are diligently working to enhance our school experience, and you can find details about their goals for the year in our newsletter.

Thank you for your continued support. Here’s to a fantastic school year ahead!

Noga Vaisblat

Message from Darin Johnson


Talmud Torah School

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I am happy to share an update about our school with the greater community. Parents receive weekly messages from teachers and updates from me through SchoolZone. We have already had 3,256 parent logins on our digital platform recorded since the beginning of the school year. 

I continue to connect with the Talmud Torah Society and the School Council to gain insights on programming and plan enrichments for students. We are fortunate to have highly involved parents and community members. 

Our students have settled into their new routines. Our Grade 4 – 6 students are learning a new science curriculum. It is exciting to watch our students grow and build their knowledge. Our school plan is complete. It includes a focus on literacy achievement in English and Hebrew. We are also committed to supporting our students to understand themselves as learners. Our staff will work hard to have them engage in their learning tasks and reflect on their learning. A walk through our halls highlights our students’ creativity and efforts. 

Last week we had a wonderful Chagei Tishrei Assembly. Many parents and members of our community were in attendance to watch our students sing, play instruments, recite poems, and share their learning. Earlier in the year we recognized Tashlich and participated in our annual Terry Fox Run at Gold Bar Park. These authentic experiences help anchor in class lessons.

We had a beautiful fall for the students to be outside during recess. They enjoyed using additional recess equipment to supplement the items purchased through School Council funds. Our basketball nets were generously replaced by Fresh Nets. Students have been working on their skills. 

I am looking forward to a strong finish for Term 1. Parents will be signing up soon for interviews on Nov. 20 and Nov. 21. 

Darin Johnson


Our 2024-25 Society Board Committees

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Governance Committee: Chair, Shayne Abrams, Jen Coppens, Kiera Gregson, Sam Hanson

This committee sets the governance framework, ensures the Board governs in accordance with its framework, and oversees board recruitment, education, and self-evaluation.

Goals for this year include creating and implement policies and procedures that guide the work of the Board. All active committees have already developed Terms of Reference approved by the Board at its last meeting. 

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Education Committee: Chair, Michelle Huberman, Karen Hering, Nurit Reshef (Judaic Consultant)

This committee assists the TTS in fulfilling its oversight responsibility related to Hebrew Language Arts and Judaic Studies programs, and assists in accommodating the diverse and individual needs of ELC and TT students.

Goals for this year include working with the ELC Program Coordinator to create/implement a Hebrew/Judaic program in the ELC, monitoring K-6 HLA programs, refining draft K-3 implementation guides, and developing implementation guides for Israel Studies units for each grade.

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Finance Committee: Chair, James Friedman, Doug Kondor, Megan Mandel, Ken Soroka, Noga Vaisblat

This committee assists the TTS Board fulfill its oversight responsibility related to financial performance and reporting, financial policies, internal controls, risk management, audit, financial planning, and relevant strategic initiatives.

Goals for this year include securing funding to offset security guard costs for the school and the Early Learning Centre.

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Communication Committee: Chair, Nomi Steen, Natalie Soroka

This committee guides the internal and external communication of the TTS.

Goals for this year include continuing to welcome new families to our buddy family program, releasing bi-monthly newsletters highlighting TTS, school, and ELC activities, communicating high priority items via email and our WhatsApp group, and maintaining the society’s website.

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Building Committee: Chair, James Friedman, Doug Kondor, Noga Vaisblat.

This committee assists the TTS in the management of capital projects.

Goals for this year include continuing to monitor the roof leaks within the building.

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HR Committee: Chair, Stacie Perlmutter, Ohad Eliyahu

This committee assists the TTS in fulfilling its employee responsibilities by ensuring that personnel policies, procedures and practices are established, implemented, maintained.

Goals for this year include developing HR policies and procedures for the ELC, completing TTS staff reviews, and updating the TTS handbook.

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ELC Committee: Chair, Ohad Eliyahu, Michelle Huberman, Faren Hochman, Jay Lerner, Stacie Perlmutter

This committee assists the TTS Board in fulfilling its oversight responsibility related to the quality, accessibility, financial well-being, flexibility, and inclusivity of the ELC program. 

Goals for this year include assisting the ELC Director in budget development and supporting the ELC Director in implementing new programming.

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year

By: Natalie Soroka

On September 27, 2024, the day before the start of school, parents and students participated in Talmud Torah School’s unique welcome event for kindergarten to grade 6 students. Talmud Torah Society (Society) was thrilled to take part, along with Jewish Federation of Edmonton and Jewish National Fund. Rather than holding a traditional “meet the teacher” event, Principal Darin Johnson chose to welcome families the day before school, so that they could drop off their school supplies, visit their new classrooms, and meet and chat with their teacher(s).

At a table outside at the front of the school a Society board member welcomed families with a first day of school activity sheet, where kids could write their favourite subject(s), their height, grade, age, teacher, and what they want to be when they grow up. Parents took pictures of their kids holding the completed sheet, and were able to take it to display in their home. They were offered a yummy ice cream treat, and a high-five and/or hug from Ari the TT lion mascot. Many new families have joined the TT family this year, and they seemed to enjoy the warmth and fun of this event.

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Not only does the Talmud Torah School building educate students from kindergarten to grade 6, but the littlest ones, starting at twelve months, learn, explore and grow in a warm and caring environment, immersed in Jewish culture and tradition. Talmud Torah Society oversees our bustling and busy Talmud Torah Early Learning Centre & Out of School Care (TTELC), that hosted its own welcome event. Children ages 12 months to 12 years gathered in the TT gym for activities and treats while families chatted with each other and our incredible TTELC team of educators. A fun time was had by all!

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For those new to Edmonton, Talmud Torah School has been in partnership with Talmud Torah Society since 1975, when TT was brought into the Edmonton Public School education system. Every principal that works at Talmud Torah understands this important partnership. This has and continues to be a unique relationship where students receive excellent public school education in English subjects as well as in Hebrew language arts, music, art and Judaic studies. As the only Jewish public school in Alberta, Edmonton families know that when they choose to send their children to TT, they receive the best of both worlds. Talmud Torah families are families for life, and generations of alumni love to return to visit and reminisce about their school days and being part of something bigger than themselves.

The Talmud Torah institution goes back much further than 1975, though, as we have been in existence since 1912, educating Jewish children in a private school setting. With the support of our families, the generosity of our donors, and many Jewish community organizations, including Jewish Federation of Edmonton, the Edmonton Jewish Community Charitable Foundation and Jewish National Fund, we hope to continue educating children, in partnership with Edmonton Public Schools, for generations to come.

Tashlich and Terry Fox Run

On a sunny and windy day at the end of September, students from K-6 and our Early Learning Centre (ELC) piled into three school buses for a field trip to Gold Bar Park. Following a walk to a bridge overlooking the North Saskatchewan River, teachers reminded students that the ceremony of Tashlich is when we think about our mistakes over the past year and symbolically cast them away into a natural body of water. You could see the thought processes churning as students thought hard about their misdeeds, and then tossed the leaves and sticks (they had picked up on their way) into the river.

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Students sang Hamotzi חמוצי (blessing over the bread) for Shabbat, ate delicious challah and then walked back to the Terry Fox Run start line. Principal Darin Johnson used the loud speaker to start the race, and they were off! It was heartwarming to see Kindergarten students holding their Grade 6 buddies hands as the first group to set off on the run. They were followed by the rest of the grades, as well as the littlest ones from the ELC and their teachers. Some wonderful parent volunteers joined in as well! It was thrilling to see the determination on their faces as students of all ages challenged themselves to run as many laps as possible. They were encouraged to think about the challenges Terry Fox faced as they ran or walked.

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In addition to participating in Tashlich and the Terry Fox Run, students came to school wearing orange t-shirts to honour Orange Shirt Day and National Truth and Reconciliation Day on September 30th.

October 7 Commemoration

On the morning of October 7th, both Talmud Torah Society and Talmud Torah School organized commemorations marking one year since that tragic day. Between 8-8:30 am, the Society welcomed parents to light a Yizkor יזכור candle (the public observance for the community of bereaved) in the school foyer. Many hugged and gathered together, finding comfort and support from our TT parent community, as well as from Jewish Family Services’ social worker Meital Siva-Jain, Case Manager, Outreach Services. Members of the Edmonton Police Service attended, who have been a great resource and incredibly supportive these past 12 months. Edmonton Public Schools’ service dog, Fernie, was there for lots of cuddles and to provide comfort to students and adults alike.

Following this personal candle lighting and period of reflection, principal Darin Johnson welcomed K-6 students and parents to the library and spoke about finding comfort and strength in each other during this difficult time.

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Moreh Ari Sniderman, with his son, Noam, lit a Yizkor זכור candle, followed by a minute of silence. The Yizkor זכור prayer was then led by Moreh Ben Ragosin. The ceremony concluded with everyone singing Israel’s national anthem, Hatikvah התקווה. It was a powerful moment in time that won’t be forgotten.

BUILDING our sukkah

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It is a rite of passage at TT for our grade 5 and 6 students to participate in building the school sukkah each year, and the weather cooperated nicely! In the morning the grade 6 class, removed all the walls from the shed and used their muscles to align them on the ground in the correct order. Moreh Ben Ragosin, supervising and assisting where required, guided the students as they moved and shifted the walls into the proper position. Students had the opportunity to drill the boards together, under the watchful eye of Moreh Ben.

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Following lunch the grade 5 class took over, putting the walls in line with each other while Moreh Ben drilled the screws in securely. Next came the long wooden slats for the roof, followed by bamboo shades representing s’chach סכך, the thatch or roof for the sukkah. The students were very motivated and excited to be a part of this.

chagei tishrei assembly

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To honour and celebrate the first month of the Jewish new year תשרי (Tishrei), families and friends came together at an all-school assembly.

Emceed wonderfully by our grade five students, kinders were called up and sang Ani Sameach b’Simchat Torah אני שמח בשמחת תורה. Grade ones recited a poem called Perot Rosh HaShana פרוט ראש השנה and sang Shana Tova BaGuf שנה טובה בגוף. Grade twos sang Brachot L’Shana Chadasha ברכות לשנה חדשה, followed by grade threes performing Sukkati HaSukkah סוכת הסוכה. Grade fours sang Yesh Simcha B’Simchat Torah יש שמחה בשמחת תורה. The grade six students recited a poem called Each of us Has a Name for Yom Kippur. The assembly concluded with the singing of Hatikvah התקווה, led beautifully by grade five students on their ukuleles.

All in attendance were then treated to a wonderful video of the grade 5 and 6 students building the sukkah from start to finish with Moreh Ben.

shabbat at tt

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Our yearly Shabbat program relies on donations from TT families and supporters. Every Friday, students in K-6 participate in Shabbat, lighting candles, saying prayers and singing Shabbat songs. Each class receives a loaf of challah from Bliss Baked Goods and each student is given a piece in honour of Shabbat. Kedem grape juice is also provided for kiddush (blessing over the wine).

We would like to thank the following families for supporting our challah program during September and October:

The Kiel-Caine and Abergel families, the Shteinberg family, the Zeisler family (in honour of Adina), the Baza family (in honour of TT), the Schayer family (in honour of 4 generations of TT students).

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Talmud Torah Early Learning Centre

Our four-year-olds were excited and busy preparing for Sukkot. They visited the school’s sukkah where they sang songs, recited the blessings and took turns shaking the Lulav and Etrog. During circle time they read Sammy the Spider’s First Sukkot. This became a wonderful opportunity to learn the significance of Sukkot, embrace the spirit of togetherness and gratitude. 

We hope everyone had a wonderful time celebrating Sukkot with family and friends. Chag Sameach!

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4 year old room
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Sukkah created by children for a community sukkot program
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2 year old room

alumni highlight

Don Charnaw – Class of ’65

In speaking with Don recently, he offered that although he has lost touch with many of his TT classmates, he is very grateful to TT because of the lifelong friendships that have stood the test of time to this day. He loves getting together with Randy Soifer, Glenn Cohen and Ron Samuels a couple of times a year for lunch and golf.

He recalls with fondness, cooks Mike & Lisa and hot dog lunches on Fridays, as well as the wooden door. “Some of my classmates who read this will remember”, muses Don. Following graduation from grade 6 at TT, Don went on to Westminster Jr High, Ross Sheppard High School and then to the University of Alberta. His friends from TT were right there with him. They then went their separate ways. “I went to B.C. to be part of the Okanagan Sun coaching staff. I spent five years in Kelowna and was very involved with the small Jewish Community. I even blew Shofar during high holidays. Some of my Hebrew teachers would be schlepping naches!”

Don Charnaw Ironman Talmud Torah Society

While in Kelowna, Don’s personal athletic pursuits switched from team to individual, as he pursued long distance running and triathlon.

“I was lucky enough to wear the Israeli
team colours in two Ironman triathlons and one Olympic distance.”

(Picture: Don and his Dad at the Canadian Ironman Championships in Penticton 1992.)

Don’s career has been long and varied. The last 25 years after he came back to Edmonton have been spent in the nonprofit sector. However, Don was very clear that he came back to reunite with his sweetheart and soulmate Karen Samuels, a TT Class of ’71 graduate (read Karen’s highlight next!). Currently, after being retired for 2.5 years, he was recruited to work with the Prostrate Cancer Centre in Calgary to bring a project to Edmonton and Northern Alberta. As a prostate cancer survivor himself, this is a passion project for him.

alumni highlight

Karen Samuels – tt class of ’71

“One of my favourite TT memories goes all the way back to my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rosenberg. Our relationship was very special! She often reminded me how she admired my “red” hair as she was a redhead herself and she loved my freckles.  As years went by, anytime I would see Mrs. Rosenberg at a function in our community she reminded me that I was and would always remain special to her. Each visit consisted of hugs as well.  I also recall enjoying Mike and Lisa’s meals in the lunchroom. My most favorite was the crunchy mac n’ cheese. I always looked forward to singing the pre and post lunch prayers in Hebrew.

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Throughout my elementary years at TT, I grew to love learning the Hebrew language. Any chance that I had to practice amongst teachers, family and Jewish holidays (such as reading from the Haggadah at Pesach) was fulfilling for me. I found the language to be beautiful, took a strong liking to songs and prayers at TT and onward. I enjoyed the Jewish traditions that I learned at school, through my parents, grandparents and great grandparents and family.  

My personal life is a bit of a LOVE story! My mom would always ask to me to make a wish prior to cutting my birthday cakes. From the time I was 15 years old, one of my annual wishes was to one day share my life with my soulmate and first love, Don Charnaw. We dated for 7.5 years, apart for 15, then reunited at a family Bar Mitzvah.  For 8 months during the period of time when Don was winding down in B.C.  to make his move back, we spoke daily and wrote love letters daily/weekly. We called them our weekly “logs” where we shared what we did everyday and our thoughts of each other to keep us going until THE BIG DAY! These were mailed weekly and we still have them.  I felt like I was the luckiest girl when he told me that he wanted to move back to Edmonton to share his life with me.”

Read the entire article.

If you would like to reconnect with Don or Karen, please email Natalie.

Our alumni are very important to us! We would love to hear about your TT memories and what you have been up to since then.

Connect with us!


Ancillary Judaic Program

AJP@TT is a Society program in partnership with Kadima Academy. AJP@TT provides an optional after-school Hebrew language and Judaic curriculum from a Modern Orthodox perspective.

We’re excited to kick off the AJP program for 2024-25 and dive into a journey of learning and growth together. This month, our students explored foundational concepts, connected with peers, and began building essential skills that will serve as the backbone of their progress in the months ahead.

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To celebrate Rosh Hashanah ראש השנה, we created special plates featuring the various symbolic foods we eat, learning about their significance and traditions.

On the Monday of the intermittent days of Sukkot סוכות, we enjoyed a memorable field trip to the Beth Israel sukkah. The children delighted in the beautiful decorations, participated in story time themed around Sukkot סוכות, and each had the opportunity to make a blessing on the four species, symbolizing our uniqueness and unity. The event concluded with joyful songs and delicious sweets.

“ושמחת בחגך והיית אך שמח” (And you shall rejoice in your festival, and you shall be only joyful.)

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make strides toward our goals!

tt school council

On Friday September 27, all students participated in the Terry Fox Run and Taschlich. The weather was sunny and warm and the School Council was pleased to cover the cost of the buses for all students.

Pizza lunch is the MAIN fundraiser for all Talmud Torah School Council enrichment programs. Proceeds from the pizza lunch fundraiser enable the school council to provide enrichment programs, such as Gr. 3 curriculum cooking, Gr. 1 and 4 curriculum planting, Maccabi sports day activities (K-6), TT lion t-shirts, agendas, yearbooks, and more!

Participating students are served one or two slices of pizza, veggie, fruit, and nut-free snack. Pizzas are certified kosher, made fresh by Catering by Ed at the Beth Israel Synagogue. There are over 50 students in our Early Learning Centre and K-6 school programs who receive this delicious lunch every Wednesday.

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Spotlight on Current TT Society Offers and Fundraisers

The H.A. and I.R. Friedman Scholarship has been managed by Talmud Torah Society since 1984, and many Edmonton Jewish community members have benefited from a financial scholarship since that time.

We are once again promoting the scholarship to any individual aged 15-25 who is interested in visiting Israel to learn Hebrew or participate in a Zionist program in Israel.

Apply today!

Read about 2024 scholarship recipient Leah Campbell’s experience participating in March of the Living!

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Your gift will ensure Talmud Torah students stay safe and protected.

Your support is appreciated!

Talmud Torah Society invites families, friends and supporters to GIVE THE GIFT OF READING – provide new books for students to read and borrow from the Talmud Torah School library, while honouring/celebrating loved ones.

Email Natalie today!

Donate a book in honour of a

  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah child
  • Wedding/anniversary
  • Graduate/teacher
  • Just because

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Looking for an affordable venue for your next event? Rent our spacious school gym or lunchroom at a low cost—perfect for parties, gatherings, and more!

Request a rental today!

Next Talmud Torah Times – December 2024

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“Having a pluralistic non-denominational school that ensures immersion in Jewish education and Judaic values is fundamental to the future of our community. Talmud Torah has been a pillar of our community for over 100 years. The Society ensures that the foundations of a strong Jewish identity and involvement in the greater Jewish community are in place."
-Stacey Leavitt-Wright, 
CEO Jewish Federation of Edmonton

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