Jewish Federation of Edmonton

The goal of The Jewish Federation of Edmonton is to touch the lives of every member of our community and to connect them with each other, and with fellow Jews around the world. Every program they fund and every service they support works to achieve this.
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The Jewish Federation of Edmonton is the hub of Jewish Edmonton and is here to strengthen relationships within our community and beyond. One gift to the Federation touches more lives than any other gift you can make. We strive to care for your safety, the vulnerable and the future of our community.

The Jewish Federation of Edmonton was established as the central community organization in order to bring community interests together. Federation aims to provide the Jewish community with educational and arts and cultural programs along with support for local agencies, for Israel and Klal Israel.

The ideals that motivate Federations are the precious heritage of our Jewish people. Our parents and grandparents brought these ideals to this country and we are charged with keeping them alive to hand on to our children and grandchildren. United and diverse, traditional and innovative, giving and accepting, the Jewish Federation of Edmonton celebrates the uniqueness of its members and, like a family, care for their own.

How the Federation Helps TTS Families

  • The Jewish Federation of Edmonton, through the United Jewish Appeal annual campaign, provides financial assistance through its Integrated Bursary Program (IBP). As a beneficiary of the Jewish Federation of Edmonton, TTS is able to help families cover some of their Society fees so that no child is prevented from getting a Jewish education due to financial constraints. 
  • TTS board of directors values the partnership it has with the Federation and encourages our families to support its many wonderful programs.  
  • Donating to the United Jewish Appeal campaign helps support many Edmonton Jewish organizations, including the Talmud Torah Society. 


All the schools, programs and services covered by bursaries are on one application form, meaning the process is done one time for the entire year for all family members.

It is the Edmonton Jewish Federation’s policy that families and individuals needing a bursary be accommodated if at all possible. We are committed to the ideal that no member of the Jewish community be denied a Jewish educational, social, or cultural experience. Those families that do not have the financial resources to pay full fees will be considered for a bursary.

Integrated Bursaries Program Application

You can apply for financial assistance for Kindergarten to Grade 6 fees by downloading an Integrated Bursary Program (IBP) application below.
Download Application
Have Questions or Need Assistance? Contact The Jewish Federation office (780) 487-0585 ext. 202


  • A single, comprehensive application is completed by each family which includes all children, desired services/programs, the anticipated cost of Jewish life, anticipated family contribution amount, and highlights of extenuating circumstances. This is submitted directly to the Federation.

  • A trained counsellor from Jewish Family Services may meet with families to discuss the application and process if need be. Upon meeting completion, the counsellor makes a recommendation regarding the family contribution amount, as well as recommended provision of requested services (i.e. how many weeks of camp, etc.).

  • A small adjudication committee comprised of volunteers representing different segments of the community convenes, and reviews each file. The files are by number only – no names are present or referred to. The committee works with a pre-budgeted allocation purse as approved by the Federation Board, and continues to review all files several times to support as many reasonable requests as possible.

  • Families are then notified of the outcome of their application, and the amount requested of them as their contribution. The committee entertains appeals on an as-needed basis.

  • Partner organizations work with the IBP process, in some cases reducing their price tag for certain services. If the Federation is unable to provide a bursary, the organizations themselves can step in on appeal and may choose to fund the bursaries themselves.

  • Funds owed to partners are paid directly by the Federation as part of the community allocation process, with IBP recipient families paying a specified amount to each partner on their own (as pre-determined through adjudication). Those amounts are communicated to a designated person at each organization, keeping the process equitable and involving as few additional people as possible.
“Having a pluralistic non-denominational school that ensures immersion in Jewish education and Judaic values is fundamental to the future of our community. Talmud Torah has been a pillar of our community for over 100 years. The Society ensures that the foundations of a strong Jewish identity and involvement in the greater Jewish community are in place."
-Stacey Leavitt-Wright, 
CEO Jewish Federation of Edmonton

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